New Things About Zane
We are 39 days away from the big OH!-1 and little changes are appearing daily. Sweet little nuances that make our Zane the precious boy he is. Here are 7 new things since our last update:
- Zane has always been ticklish; but, now he is AWARE of his tickle spots (ribs, knees and neck). When PG and I get anywhere near those spots, he starts laughing before we can even make skin-to-skin contact.
- His current favorite food is a lentil & brown rice recipe that I make for him. But we still have great success with sweet potatoes, squash, peas and all fruits. Except prunes. The Z-man thinks prunes are definitely no bueno.
- He regularly pulls himself to a standing position - using a table, a chair, his high chair, or his parents' legs for support - and, while standing, he frequently pushes up to his tippy toes and balances there with a pseudo-dancing motion. First steps are coming any day now...we just know it!
- In the mornings, as I take my shower, Zane loves to play peek-a-boo with the shower curtain. When he gets bored with that game, he pulls himself to a standing position at the tub and just laughs and laughs at Mama behind the plastic curtain liner.
- His favorite plaything is the waste basket in the dressing area of our bathroom. We are careful to not discard anything sharp or poisonous into that bin; but, still, it's a bit disconcerting to see my precious one playing with used Q-tips and Kleenex.
- He has the most unique "Hi" sign I've ever seen in a baby: when he sees someone he knows and/or likes, he reaches out and points at them as if to say, "Hey dude, I know YOU!" It never fails to make PG and me double over in giggles.
- He understands "Mama" and "Papa" and will look for us when encouraged to "go find Mama/Papa." Does it get any better than that?? (Probably when he understands and says, "I love you, Mama...")