A Little Black Cat Crossed My Path...

Given that he is only 10-1/2 months old, PG and I were understandably more excited than Zane about his First Hallowe'en. Energized by the first true cold snap of the year, I spent all of last week creating the Hallowe'en I remember from my own childhood: a visit to the pumpkin patch; a carved Jack 'o Lantern; roasted pumpkin seeds; my mother's oatmeal cookies; homemade caramel apples; costumes created from scratch based on imagination, ingenuity and a few inexpensive craft supplies; a ginormous bowl of candy for trick-or-treaters; and fun with my family. Still, Zane was a good sport about the whole thing, even after I drew a kitty's nose and whiskers onto his sweet face, and topped his fuzzy little head with ears made of pipe cleaners and felt.

"Laverne" joined us for an early supper of chicken & yellow rice (complete with sangria!) because it is important to have a good supper before trick-or-treating...(especially if you plan to join your fun next-door-neighbors to pass out candy while drinking wine...)
We all had a great time...even Zane. He was the most adorable black cat, and he did a pretty good job of hauling in the loot.

Getting into the spirit of the evening...
Losing patience with the photo-snapping. Hallowe'en IS about trick-or-treating, isn't it?


Thanks for not posting any pictures of "Laverne" ....everyone at work has told me this week they much prefer my hair to the wig I wore on Friday. It would have been sad had they felt the opposite!

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