Cool Portrait Series

PG snapped these shots last Friday, just after returning from shooting his first movie! While on set, he was able to use all of the super-cool bells & whistles on his "big" camera and fully maximize his creativity through techniques like "temperature shooting" (instead of white-balance shooting, because flash photography is a definite no-no when the panavision cameras are rolling...). These shots are an example of temperature shooting, using only ambient light and NO FLASH! It was a harmonic convergence of PG's creativity and Zane's hambone-ness.


Those are great shots Z is photogenic that's for sure. xoxo
Anonymous said…
Paige, Zane is just absolutely adorable!!! Know you are completely in love! I soooo love being able to see pics and keep up with your news on your blog! I may not always respond, but I'm always checking in! Much love,

Aunt Janny
Anonymous said…
mdxuvWOW! I think he looks like his Pappi when she was a baby---ever seen her baby pics? She was (and is!) a beauty, as Zane is. He is so precious and I love 'watching' him grow through the blog. Would love to just pinch those little cheeks!

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