20 Things About Zane: The Seven Months Edition

Wow. That was fast. Z will officially be 7-months-old tomorrow. It seems like only a millisecond ago that we were in the hospital with our brand new son and, yet, the last seven months have been so full and rich that I'm certain we haven't missed a single thing. When we started this adventure, we didn't even know what we didn't know. Now we feel like we really know our son, and we're pretty sure he understands us, too. Here, then, are some new fun facts about Zane:
  1. He is the happiest and smiliest child I have ever known.
  2. He LOVES people. We will definitely have to talk with him about stranger danger, but PG and I are thrilled that our Z is a people person.
  3. He has many different variations of his smile: the wry smile; the crooked smile; the closed-mouth, thin-lipped smile; the grin; the "I-don't-know-yet-if-I-should-break-out-the-full-smile half smile;" and the wide-open-mouth smile (he gets that from me...)
  4. He still wears size 2 diapers, but he has started growing out of clothes.
  5. His fingernails grow faster than mine!
  6. Blowing raspberries cracks him up, especially if we mimic him.
  7. He still loves his "Peter fingers" but his feet are his favorite toys.
  8. He likes oatmeal better than rice cereal, but he is now a very good eater. His favorite foods include squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, pears, peaches, applesauce, bananas and apple/blueberry puree. He does not like prunes (but, really, who could blame him?) and he doesn't much care for green beans.
  9. Some of our nicknames for him: "baby bean", "stinker bean", "stink bug" (the proliferation of "stink" names has nothing to do with the smell of his, well, stinky diapers...), "lovebug", "little buddy", "Ziggy Zane", "Peter Z.", "little man", "punkin-head."
  10. He naps on his belly but, at night, we still put him on his back.
  11. He still likes to be loosely swaddled, but only if his arms are free.
  12. He sits upright with support.
  13. He had his first high-chair experience this week and he loved it! He sat next to me at the table and ate his lunch, just like a proper little gentleman. I was so proud!
  14. He can feed himself the little Gerber "stars"
  15. He has made a pretty smooth transition to his crib.
  16. When he naps on his belly, he pulls his knees up underneath him so that his hiney is in the air. I know that's a precursor to scooting/crawling, but he never does it during tummy time when he's awake.
  17. He takes two long naps and two catnaps a day.
  18. He has his Papa's legs.
  19. He still hasn't had a fever.
  20. He is a very content, secure and confident little baby.


It has been 7 months.......WOW. Seems like yesterday I did the wild ride down to FM to be there to welcome Z. I have told all of you time and again how fast these years will fly by. Seeing you enjoy every minute makes me happy for you. Making memories! Much love.
Chaotic Joy said…
Don't you love that when they sleep with their bottom in the air! Sigh. It tugs my heartstrings every time.

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