Hayden Loves Oatmeal

This is Hayden. Hayden is 7 weeks younger than Zane, born on February 4, 2008. His parents are our good friends, Jeff and Jen Gallo. We met Jeff and Jen when PG bought his motorbike. Jeff's family owns the local BMW Motorcycle dealership and, in the process of acquiring "Tigger" (yes, the bike actually has a tail...don't get me started...), PG learned that Jeff and Jen live in our neighborhood. Soon after we learned Zane was on the way, we learned that Jeff and Jen, too, were expecting a baby boy. They are our kind of peeps, and we've become fast friends. And we just know our boys will be buddies. Hayden has started eating cereal and, clearly, enjoys the oatmeal. Isn't he just the cutest?


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