WARNING: Over-the-top Proud Mama Post
Okay, our kid is SUPER smart. Even when he is asleep. Check it: when I put him down for his morning nap today, it was our usual routine: lots of kisses and crooning, pacifier and my blankets (yes, Mama, you were right. Zane loves my blankets, and I happily give them over to him when he needs them.) As he fell asleep, the pacifier was firmly suctioned between his lips and his tiny little hand was grasping the blue blanket to his nose. When I went in to check on him 45 minutes later, the pacifier was gently placed on the blue blanket that had been pushed away slightly. That was no big surprise. A fun fact about Z is his very judicious use of the pacifier. He frequently falls asleep with it, and will either spit it out or pull it out of his mouth when he no longer needs the comfort for restful slumber. The big moment happened during my second check of my sleeping genius. This time the pacifier was back in his mouth . So, without waking, he had grabbed the pacifier from its spot atop the...