Returning to Faith
On March 22, 2008, PG and I had Zane baptized. I'm not a church-going gal, but I believe in God. If ever there were a time that I questioned "God," my questions were answered - and my faith in Him restored - when I learned I was pregnant with Zane. Despite all precautions to the contrary, here we are, two people who never thought we would have children, with a beautiful baby boy, and a life that is enriched beyond what either of us ever imagined. That is the power of God.
It is very true that we both flipped our s*%t when two positive home pregnancy test results were confirmed by my doctor. It is very true that it took a little while for both of us to get our head around becoming "three." And, I believe this to my core, it is very true that God himself was - and still is - intervening directly in our lives. He said, "take that leap of in me...and I will take care of you."
And He did.
I had an easy pregnancy until the last three weeks. I was not sick; I did not gain too much weight; I had two doctors caring for me; and delivery, while scary, was not as bad as I expected. And Zane has been a dream baby: he is healthy, sweet, willing to breastfeed, a good sleeper, and developing right on schedule.
We took that leap, we trusted Him and we are so blessed. We named our boy Zane because we like the meaning: gracious gift of God. It felt only right, then, to commit our child to Him.
We chose a beach on Captiva Island for the ceremony because we wanted Zane to be baptized with saltwater, and because we're not "church-y" people...we believe God resides in the whole of the universe, not just within the four walls of a church building. And we really wanted Phil's Uncle Marlo - a retired Lutheran minister - to officiate the service. As it turned out, Uncle Marlo and Aunt Marlene just happened to be in Florida during the weekend we were hoping to plan the occasion. March 22nd was also significant in that 3/22/2007 was the date I became pregnant with Zane. And it was a full moon.
If you know anything about PG and me, you know we strongly believe in the power of the universe and that everything happens for a reason. God said, "you are going to be parents, and you are going to do it now, but in return, I will give you a beautiful, sweet and healthy baby boy, and more joy than you ever thought possible." What a deal! Here are photos from that perfect day: