Trash Cabinets and Baby Kisses

I think it may be time to lock the trash cabinet. This morning I found two cordless phones and one sippy cup in the household garbage bin.

In other news unrelated to garbage, Zane's new favorite words are "woooooooow" (he usually busts out with it when presented with a meal), "whooooooaaaa", "ballllllllll", "wa-wu" (waffle) and "buh-bye." He is also blowing raspberries with his tongue out, which just cracks me up. He has also taken to pointing his tiny finger to my belly button and saying "bay-bee." I know Zane is an old soul, and I can't help but wonder if he is asking for a baby brother or sister.

PG and I are mesmerized by the cognitive development taking place right before our eyes. Zane understands how to put things away in their proper place; he will come find us when we call to him; he can distinguish between bunny and bear and monkey when we ask him to bring a specific toy to us; and he will come sit down in front of us to put on his shoes. My favorite thing, though, is the toothy-grin smooch, complete with the "muwah" sound effect. Baby kisses. :)


Laura McCann said…
Children...ahhh, they are the best thing that we do as parents!

♥Aunt Laura♥
I can't wait to see the little cutie this weekend. They do grow up fast don't they? I know PG is glad you both are back home for good. I probably won't get down to FM until Saturday as I don't get back from Chicago until late Friday night. Love and hugs to all of you.
Kristi said…
Kate (or Brooks - I don't think I ever found out exactly who) put our cordless phone in a mailbox we left on our back deck. It took me 2 days to find it.
LMP said…
There's no use in locking stuff, they just find some other great spot to hide things where you might never find them again. I can deal with the non-organic hide and seek, it's when I find old food in weird spots that gets to me...

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